Artificial Intelligence is a rapidly advancing technology, which may be a boon or a bane. Elon Musk, for example, has repeatedly warned that AI will soon be smarter than humans, and humanity’s survival may be at stake. We must be wary of AI before it destroys our lives.
AI can be a boon
While AI can help in several processes, it can also be a bane. When used in the wrong way, AI can create huge waste. For example, a machine that makes an incorrect decision may end up destroying a large area or causing injuries to many workers. Fortunately, there are ways to make AI work for you.

AI can be an excellent asset for businesses, as it helps to organize and detect fraudulent actions. It can automate complex tasks and eliminate human errors. It can also be used for information gathering and analysis. For example, Amazon uses chat boxes to interact directly with its customers, increasing efficiency. Chat boxes are automatic response systems that can answer customer questions and concerns quickly.
It can be a bane
Artificial intelligence (AI) has both good and bad sides. On one hand, it has the potential to increase efficiency and increase productivity, while at the same time threatening the jobs of humans. Elon Musk has repeatedly warned that AI may one day be so smart that it could outsmart humans.

But AI also has some bad aspects, namely that it could set in motion actions that are beyond our ability to control. For example, AI algorithms can incite violence on social networks and stir up intense emotions, including racism. In addition, early versions of AI-based hand-washing machines did not recognize dark-skinned individuals.
While AI is in its infancy, the debate surrounding its use is ongoing. As humans depend heavily on technology, AI may be a boon or a bane, depending on how it is used.
It can elevate human intelligence
The concept of artificial intelligence can elevate the level of human intelligence in a number of ways. For starters, AI can perform tasks in an automated fashion, automating many of the tasks that humans do on a daily basis. It can also provide data on specific knowledge and sensitive information, and can even identify networks of interest or interpersonal relationships. Because AI is able to learn from data, it can increase precision and accuracy in a number of different ways.

While the concept of artificial intelligence has been around for a long time, it was only in the last century that research into it became so widespread. The concept of inanimate objects with intelligence dates back to ancient Greek myths. For example, the Greek god Hephaestus was said to have forged robot-like servants out of gold. Later on, thinkers such as Aristotle and René Descartes used tools of their times to describe human thought processes in the form of symbols.
It can be a tool for criminals
Critics of AI argue that it is a double-edged sword. While it is useful to identify potential criminals and prosecute them, the technology can also be used to punish people for crimes they have not committed. Critics also fear that AI systems will discriminate against people of colour. Indeed, AI has not helped Chicago curb its murder epidemic.

One of the most worrying problems with AI is that it can be abused by hackers. The technology can be exploited by hackers, who can switch the malware labels to legitimate code and make AI useless. This is also possible if a hacker has access to security firm systems. Hackers can also work out the features of the code that flags malware and then remove them from malicious code.
It can hurt marginalized people
There is a real risk of AI hurting marginalized groups because it is designed by humans and is being implemented in systems where racism and other forms of discrimination are entrenched. This is because biases are baked into the data and predictions used to train AI. They may not be immediately apparent, but they may rear their ugly heads later.

One example is the use of surveillance technology during the Black Lives Matter protests. This technology was used to intimidate and threaten protestors, activists, and journalists. The same technology could be used to track and identify individuals through voice recognition and facial recognition. While these technologies can help police and other authorities to identify crimes, they are biased and must be ethically developed.